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Be inspired by the numerous case studies and contemplate how this modality will enable you maximise your enjoyment and success in every area of life.

Amanda - Expert BG5 Business Consultant
4 min read
How is BG5 different from other personality assessment tools?
The BG5 System and the DISC, Myers-Briggs and Enneagram systems are personality assessment tools. Read why BG5 is superior for the workplace

Amanda - Expert BG5 Business Consultant
2 min read
Why is professional coaching valuable in organisations?
The BG5 system is widely used by businesses around the world. Work with an accredited BG5 analyst to show you why.

Amanda - Expert BG5 Business Consultant
5 min read
CASE STUDY: How a Manager Analysis helped Tom recognise his management skills & enhance his success
Meet Tom and understand how a Manager Analysis encouraged him to leverage his unique skills and become a highly proficient,...

Amanda - Expert BG5 Business Consultant
4 min read
Businesses are experiencing rapid changes. How can they help their employees and their bottom line?
The business world is going through rapid changes with continuous low employee engagement, corporate and team restructures role reductions..

Amanda - Expert BG5 Business Consultant
8 min read
CASE STUDY: From Intense Burnout to being Laser Focused
BG5 has been successfully employed in corporations, teams and for individual career analysis in numerous countries for over 20 years. I'd...

Amanda - Expert BG5 Business Consultant
2 min read
How do you discern the underlying chemistry of group dynamics?
Group dynamics remain largely unconscious, subtly influencing our interactions within different groups.

Amanda - Expert BG5 Business Consultant
3 min read
What is BG5, and how can it help business?
BG5 is a business methodology based on the teachings of the Human Design System.

Amanda - Expert BG5 Business Consultant
3 min read
What are the benefits of a BG5 Analysis for Managers and their teams?
Understanding the benefits of a BG5 Analysis for Managers and teams helps to increase workplace harmony and business success

Amanda - Expert BG5 Business Consultant
5 min read
What is Human Design?
Introduction to Human Design by certified analyst Amanda Trenfield

Amanda - Expert BG5 Business Consultant
4 min read
Are you new to BG5?
The BG5™ Success Code removes the mystery of why things in your life work the way they do, why some things don’t work the way you want
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