Understanding how you’re affected when you connect with others is a focus of BG5. It is all about the interactions we have in partnership, small teams and large groups and the energy dynamics or mechanics that exist. In BG5, you learn how to become aware of, and read the dynamics.
This can help take the sting out of actions that can be perceived as personal attacks when it is just the mechanics between two (or more) people’s designs.
Where does a BG5 Analysis begin? It all starts with the leader of the team. Why? Well, all energy flows from the top down in any group. When we work with the leader, we help them understand their own energy dynamics, strengths, what is distracting them and how their energy is flowing (or not) through the organisation. This is where we can facilitate changes that positively impact the rest of the group.
And the rest of the team? It's helpful for everyone in the group to understand their own unique design and learn how to make decisions that are correct for them. This builds healthy work/life boundaries as people learn how to truly listen to and respect their own energy.
When they commit to tasks and projects that are truly suited to them, their efforts are easy – this enlivens and rejuvenates as opposed to burning people out. It creates positive energy for the whole team and broader business, making the work, and the workplace, more enjoyable. Everyone benefits when they are contributing what they feel best doing and creating.
When the leader understands this, they can lead with more awareness and capitalise on the unique potential of every individual. Though there is no ‘perfect’ organisation, we work with the team as is, which results in a thriving team and overall successful business.

What if team members leave or join the team? As team members change, it’s incumbent on the manager to take the time to understand their team members’ goals and aspirations as well as their natural talents, strengths and gifts.
It's also important to understand what distracts them and takes them off-track.
BG5 provides the tools to see the mechanics of what is happening in the team , particularly as team members change. This allows for recognition and then adjustments to be made by the Manager – so people are spending their time and energy doing what they love, It’s about working with the people to ensure they are truly connected to their own decision-making strategy and doing works that aligns with each person.
BG5 takes some time to master, but all it takes is a willingness to practice and experiment - and then lean into the incredible results.
Why is BG5 the way forward? In the past, not sacrificing yourself for the sake of the group may have been deemed selfish. Thankfully, this is what is changing. Giving your time to something you ‘think you should be doing’ to meet someone else’s expectations is no longer valid, or rewarded. At the end of the day, if everyone is doing what is best for them then the entire business will function most effectively.
This awareness is what BG5 brings to the workplace, and it’s arrived in perfect time! If you'd like to understand how a BG5 Business Team Analysis can help you and your team, I invite you to book a complimentary discovery call with me.
Director - Authentic Human
Certified BG5 Business & Career Consultant
