Authentic Human - 4 Career Sessions
The ultimate personalised guide for your career success. Includes all 16 Success Codes - 4 sessions
Service Description
These sessions are only available for booking with a Comprehensive Career Package Plan and includes a $100 discount. You can pay for your plan when you book this session and choose the four appointment times that suit you. This package includes: CAREER SESSION 1: 5 Introductory Keys to Success (1) Career Type = How you best express yourself in the world (2) Personal Interaction Style = How you best interact with others (3) Decision-Making Strategy = How you best make the best decisions with confidence and correct timing (4) Assimilation Style = How you process information (5) Key Success Factors = How you know if you are on or off-track. CAREER SESSION 2: Purpose, Strengths & Distractions (6) Public Role = How you manifest your purpose in the world (7) Life Work = What the overall theme of your purpose is (8) Consistent Energy = Represents your 'nature' - your consistent, reliable personal energy (9) Shadows and Distractions = Represents your ‘nurture’ – your inconsistent, unreliable personal energy (10) Strengths & Contributions = Your natural gifts, talents and ways of contributing. CAREER SESSION 3: Business Skills & Themes (11) Optimal work environment = The specific environments where you are designed to thrive (12 & 13) Business Skills & Attributes = Innate business skills that others recognise in you, especially in a group setting (14) Large Business Roles = Each of us have a specific way we are designed to fit into the greater whole (15) General Thematics = Are you focused on Empowerment, Sharing or Support and how you utilise your gifts for others. CAREER SESSION 4: Unique qualities of your design (16) Deeper Analysis of Traits & Qualities = Help you understand the deeper more specific nuances of your design and the unique expression of your gifts, strengths and talents. INCLUSIONS: (1) 4 x 90 minute 'Career Analysis' consultations via zoom (2) Personalised 32 page report per session - an incredible practical resource benefiting your whole career and personal life. REQUIREMENTS OF BOOKINGS: (1) Please send me your date, time and place of birth when booking. It takes many hours to prepare the presentations as each design is unique. Otherwise, the appointment/s will be rescheduled.
Cancellation Policy
I will happily reschedule with 48 hours notice. Please note that given scheduling constraints, if you cancel within this timeframe, the consultation will be forfeited. Thank you for your understanding and consideration. Amanda
Contact Details
Sydney NSW, Australia